Granary Arts Josh Winegar Burst Apart Burst A Part

JOSH WINEGAR / Burst Apart / Burst A Part

September 25, 2015 - January 29, 2016


Burst a Part / Burst Apart is a body of work that employs the act of photographing personally significant sites from my life/memory and then rupturing those images with the basic material of photographic work, light.  What remains are images of remembrance that have been torn, altered, obscured and transformed by light, alluding to the transformation of growing beyond who one used to be.


Header image: Untitled, Josh Winegar

About the Artist

Josh Winegar was born in Salt Lake City, UT.  He received a MFA degree in photography from Columbia College Chicago in 2007.  He has exhibited extensively across the globe, and has been the grateful recipient of several awards.  He is an Associate Professor of Art at Weber State University.  He currently lives with his partner Peggy and their two children in a small cabin hidden in the wooded mountains of Utah.